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How Loya Primary School became a safe haven for girls
Via UN Africa Renewal Some of the girls who board in the school display their beddings. Loya Primary School is...

Joseph Etabo
2 min read
Herdsboy's painful pursuit for education
Antoine Griezmann once said, “with hard work and effort, you can achieve anything.” This philosophy is what Shadrack Lope believes in....

Joseph Etabo
1 min read
Turkana culture hinders girls education
Forum for African Women Educationalists- FAWE Kenya has revealed that major challenges that are a barrier to girl child education in...

Turkana Guardian Reporter
1 min read
Reintroduce corporal punishment in schools -Turkana KNUT Secretary tells MOE
Turkana KNUT, General secretary Peter Ewaat has called on the Ministry of Education and lawmakers to amend a law that will see...

1 min read
School's long wait for food
Loya Primary School in Loima Sub County has not received food for eight months. Despite the raging drought, the school has not received...

Yvonne Ekiru
1 min read
Is St Kevin's Secondary school under Lodwar Municipality or not? Teachers demand answers
Teachers at St. Kevin's Lodwar's high school are protesting over the removal of their school from the list of schools within Lodwar ...

Samuel Kablit
3 min read
Too many schools: not Quality Education
Turkana County has always been classified among many others as one of the most illiterate county in Kenya standing at 94 per cent...

In Memory of Lemukol Ng'asike
3 min read
Redeeming Turkana? First School the Few Schooled Turkanas
In Memory of Arch. Lemukol Ng'asike For the past few weeks I have had an opportunity to move into the remote corners of Turkana County,...

Dr. Teria Ng'asike
5 min read
We are getting it wrong; childhood education isn’t about buildings
(2015) Devolving Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) to the county level of government is a fair constitutional argument and...

Dr. Teria Ng'asike
3 min read
Sustaining university education in Turkana County
By Dr. John Ng’asike (2015) In 2011 (July 29) Mount Kenya University (MKU) became the first institution of higher learning to open a...

Samuel Kablit
2 min read
Too many schools, no quality education
By Samuel Kablit (2015) Turkana County has always been classified among many others as one of the most illiterate counties in Kenya...

Dr. Teria Ng'asike
6 min read
Rethinking the use of Boarding Schools in Turkana
By Dr. Teria Ng’asike (2015) Turkana leaders probably do not know that the idea of boarding schools was a colonial strategy for taming...
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