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Is St Kevin's Secondary school under Lodwar Municipality or not? Teachers demand answers

Yvonne Ekiru

Teachers at St. Kevin's Lodwar's high school are protesting over the removal of their school from the list of schools within Lodwar Municipality.

Peaceful demonstrations were staged by St. Kevin's school teachers alleging that the school was removed from the list of Municipal schools which denies them the right to privileges like other teachers of municipal schools.

Speaking at the Office of the Director of Teachers, TSC Turkana County, the teachers said that St. Kevin's school was deregistered from the municipal schools while it is located at the center of the Lodwar town.

They added that the registration code for St. Kevin's school appeared in Kiambu County, an issue that puzzled them as to how it was done without their knowledge.

However, they reiterated that their salaries began to be deducted in July last year. Several grievances addressed to relevant departments went unanswered as they wrote letters to the relevant departments but their grievances were in vain.

Now they want the TSC Turkana County Office and the Ministry of Education to intervene so that they can get their dues.

Efforts to reach a Turkana County Teachers Service (TSC) Director were unsuccessful as the Director and his deputy were out of the office as teachers vowed not to return to school until their demands were met.


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